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Graham D Whiteman NSF, RPE, PTP                     ©2025

The Guide to Core Stability

Neutral Space Relaxation®

& Polarity Therapy


Most people have no idea how much water they should be drinking, and most Westerners live from day to day in a dehydrated state. They don't drink enough water. If you're not, you could end up with excess body fat, poor muscle tone, digestive complications, muscle soreness -- even water-retention problems.

Next to air, water is the element most necessary for survival.  A normal adult is 60 to 70 percent water.  We can go without food for almost two months, but without water only a few days.  Yet most people have no idea how much water they should drink.
Without water, we would be poisoned to death by our own waste products and toxins resulting from metabolism.
Water is vital to digestion and metabolism, acting as a medium for various enzymatic and chemical reactions in the body. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood, regulates body temperature and lubricates our joints (which is particularly important if you're arthritic, have chronic muscular-skeletal problems or are athletically active).
We need water to breathe; we lose approximately one pint of liquid every day just by exhaling.
If you are not in "fluid balance" you can impair every aspect of your body's physiological functioning.

Proper water intake is the key to weight loss," says Dr. Donald Robertson, Scottsdale, Arizona. "If people who are trying to lose weight don't drink enough water, the body can't metabolise the fat, they retain fluid, which keeps their weight up, and the whole procedure we're trying to set up falls apart."
"I'd say the minimum amount of water a healthy person should drink is 10 eight-ounce glasses a day," he continues, "and you need to drink more if you are overweight, exercise a lot, or live in a hot climate. Overweight people should drink an extra eight ounces of water for each 25 pounds that exceeds their ideal weight."

Your water intake should be spread judiciously throughout the day, including the evening. Dr. Flaks cautions against drinking more than four glasses in any given hour. Always check with your physician before embarking on a water intake increase program.

You may ask, "If I drink this much water, won't I constantly be running to the bathroom?" Initially, yes, because of the hypersensitivity of the bladder to increased fluids. But after a few weeks, your bladder calms down, and you urinate less frequently, but in larger amounts.

There is a difference between pure water and other beverages that contain water.
Water is water. Obviously you can get it by consuming fruit juice, soft drinks, beer, coffee or tea. Unfortunately, while such drinks contain water, they also may contain substances that are not healthy and actually contradict some of the positive effects of the added water.

Dr. Jerzy Meduski, Los Angeles, California: "Beer contains water, but it also contains alcohol, which is a toxic substance. Beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee, stimulate the adrenal glands; fruit juices contain a lot of sugar and stimulate the pancreas. Such drinks may tax the body more than cleanse it."

Another problem with these beverages is that you lose your taste for water.
The way to interpret all of this, therefore, is that the recommended daily water intake means just that WATER!

Another link for Water

Water carries a Positive charge, the power of which can be seen when 'Lightning' discharges to Earth. So give the body the right amount of water to be able to operate in Polarity balance and harmony and the natural outcome will be to have a positive attitude to life, please look up any information on Positive mental attitude and you will see what we mean.

Water is Wellness
Drinking a sufficient amount of water is one of the simplest exercises for staying healthy. Almost all bodily functions such as blood pressure, liver, kidneys, joints and digestion require water to function perfectly. After all, our bodies are around two-thirds water, so it is hardly surprising that water is crucial to our health and general well-being

Water forms a major part of our blood, lubricates our joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins and helps us look better by keeping skin smooth and elastic. Drinking too little water can lead to dehydration and, in turn tiredness, lethargy, headaches, inability to concentrate, dry or cracked skin and even reduced blood pressure.

To keep our bodies in top form we should drink an average of 2 litres (around 8 glasses) of water every day. Hydration is important for our bodies to function properly both physically and mentally


Drinking six to eight glasses of water throughout the day

It is good to start the day with three to four glasses of water just getting up from the bed.

Drinking of warm water is very beneficial in treating in stomach disorders.

According to Ayurvedic taking a sip of hot water every half hour throughout the day is wonderful for dissolving toxins and aiding weight loss.

The best way to treat cold is to fast for two to three days and drink warm water before going to bed.

It is good to massage the body before going for bath as this dramatically reduces toxins accumulation.

     Stop drinking water with meals it reduces    digestive ability.

To book a Polarity session please contact Graham